
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Honor Duty and Courage

Honor Duty and Courage

Tis the season, for joy and bliss; for family fun, and a mistletoe kiss.

We run and spend, and get stressed out; we think it’s tough, as we sit and pout.

But don’t forget, before the presents; remember those, that guard with their presence.

The ones that serve, deserve a pause; honor them, before Mr. Claus.

We look in awe, at the beautiful lights; while they stand their ground, all through the night.

From near and far, they protect our Nation; they’re the Hero’s, with their dedication.

We wine and dine, and have our fun; while they dig in deep, and hold their gun.

The lights and booms, that streak the sky; is what comes before, the battle cry.

No day off, or Holiday leave; for the Men and Women, with our Flag on their sleeve.

They stand up tall, and take their turn; and know the risk, that they might not return.

So remember them, and the one’s they love; Honor Duty and Courage, is what a Soldier is made of.
Ronnie H. Lee 12/6/2014

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